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Zodiac Sign Libra - Facts, Characteristics and Traits

Oct 12, 2023

September 23rd - October 22nd
The Scales
Thoughtful, unbiased, graceful, modest, and intelligent
Libra is the seventh sign in the zodiac, and is the only sign named after an inanimate object rather than a character or an animal.
In Vedic astrology it is known as Tula Rashi
The constellation of Libra can be seen in the Southern Hemisphere during the winter and the Northern Hemisphere in the summer.
  • Element: Air
  • Polarity: Positive
  • Quality: Cardinal
  • Ruling Planet: Venus
  • Ruling House: Seventh
  • Special Color: Blue
  • Lucky Gem: Saphire
  • Flower: Rose
  • Top Love Match: Gemini

Famous Libra’s

Mahatma Ghandi, John Lennon, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Horatio Nelson, Martina Navratilova, Eminem, Bela Lugosi, Coco the Clown, Serena Williams, Jerry Lee Lewis, Linda Mc Cartney, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Theresa May, Sting, Vladimir Putin, Margaret Thatcher, Jimin, Lee Harvey Oswald, Shaggy, Bruce Springsteen, Will Smith, Ayatollah Khomeini, Cardi B, Roger Moore, George C. Scott, Bruno Mars, Kim Kardashian, Chubby Checker, Simon Cowell, and Zac Efron


It is believed that the woman holding the scales is Astraea, a Greek goddess of justice, who was one of the last of the gods to remain on the earth among the humans when the earth was overrun with wickedness, before leaving to live among the stars.


Big hearted, Intelligent, kind, playful and affectionate. Libra’s make them good friends, great listeners, and have the ability to always get other people’s viewpoints, even if they are the only ones that do so! and will work hard at creating a compromise for all involved.
Typically, they're always at their happiest when surrounded by friends, family, and coworkers on whom they can count on. On the flipside though Libra’s need for companionship can also create issues for them. They don’t like being single and will on occasions go to extremes to get attention and can often become social media addicts!
Libra will often see the injustice in the world and are prepared to bend over backward to keep the people they care about happy.
People born under the zodiac sign Libra tend to be balanced, fair and objective in everything they do. The scales of Libra represent the ‘sign of balance.’ Libras are permeated by ideas about balancing everything in their lives whether this is at home or at work.
On the outside Libra’s can appear self-confident, however that may not be the case, many with this sign can feel insecure especially when it comes to personal identity, which can at times feel mutable, bringing the question on many Librans lips “Who am I?" Finding themselves changing to fit in with where they are in their lives and who they're spending time with.


Sociable - often referred to as the social butterfly of the zodiac. They love being around people and are very popular in groups and will do their best to make certain no-one feels excluded and that everyone is having a good time. Libra loves to host a party and meet new people!
Diplomatic – born with an instinctive sense of justice and strong powers of persuasion. If there is ever a disagreement, they will do their very best to find a solution. are always the first to try and find a resolution. Libra can think objectively and is diplomatic, they make great negotiators which is why they are in-demand when it comes to problem-solving.
Amiable – striving for fairness, balance, and harmony in every situation, and with a diplomatic nature and ability to see different perspectives. Libra is a natural born peacemakers with excellent communication skills and a way of making people feel comfortable and respected. No matter who you are or what your background, Libra will make you feel welcome and appreciated.
Adaptable - ruled by Venus, means Libra naturally considers other people points of view and feelings, making them great mediators. On the flipside though seeing all sides can make Libra feel indecisive when it comes to making tough decisions, because they try and consider every angle before deciding.
Caring – Libra is considered one of the most caring of the zodiac signs, with an innate understanding about how important balance and fairness are in relationships, both personal and professional. Libra is a peacemaker that will often put other people’s needs ahead of their own. Ultimately, Libras have a magnetic charm and make great friends and partners, with a warm smile, empathy, and a listening ear.
Master Communicator – Master negotiator and mediator, straight talking, fair and just Libra never seems stressed out about difficult conversations. Making them the perfect person to get the deal done!


Libra loves to flirt and is one of the few signs that actually enjoys first dates. They are charming, and will woo a potential partner, but on the flipside can also become lost in the twists and turns of a relationship, due to insecurities.
Librans can at times be blamed for being a bit to pragmatic and have been known to call off a relationship in the early stages if they feel it won’t work because of practicalities such as distance, age, or another external conflict.
Librans give a lot of importance to finding the right kind of person to make their life partner and will work hard to keep the relationship ticking along smoothly. It is rare to find them lonely, Libra needs to be surrounded by people to function.
As lovers, they are expressive, dedicated, charming, creative, and balanced and will strive to satisfy their partner both in and out of the bedroom.

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